Help us with your donation – A healthy lunch for children
This is how your donation could help:
- A one-off payment of € 4,30 is enough for one meal for a child,
- € 21,50 a week is enough to feed five children healthily,
- and with € 82 a month, we can provide plenty of good food for one child in the Star in the North.*
How we help
In the Star in the North, we offer children between the ages of 6 and 11 a healthy lunch 230 days a year. It is often the only nourishing meal in the day for them. With the food, we are helping to ensure that the children grow up healthy, and at the same time, we practice fellowship and good social behaviour during meals. In this way, these times of eating together help to ensure that children are provided with nutrients that are essential for their healthy growth and that they learn to settle into their surroundings with increasing confidence.
* We serve lunch 230 days a year. We pay round €4,30 for a single meal. For a 30-day month, this comes to around €82. These amounts include the costs of purchasing, preparation and other work associated with the cooking.
Why help is needed
- Many people who have only just arrived in Germany live in the Borsigplatz quarter. Many of them have fled from other countries and have found their first new home in their host country here. They often do not have enough money for foods rich in nutrients and vitamins.
- Other families come from very simple backgrounds and have never heard of the importance of healthy eating for children’s physical and mental growth.
- Other parents do not manage, for various other reasons, to prepare a hot, healthy meal for their children, sometimes because they are single parents and have to work or because looking after the children is just too much for them.
Read why and where we help in the field of social welfare

Serving the people
At wortundtat partners, diaconal offers are linked with the opportunity to get to know the Christian faith.