Transparency – open and comprehensible in the use of your donations
We allow our partners plenty of freedom in the way they structure their work. At the same time, we support them continuously and offer suggestions and help where we think that aid could be more effective. Our Constitution (only in German language) sets out the aims of our work and that the way that the organisation and its bodies operate (only in German language).
Transparency is important for us. Our financial reporting is therefore regularly audited by independent auditors. To date, they have always issued their audit opinion without reserve (Extract from the Annual Accounts for the year ending 31.12.2023 – only available in German language).Over 50 percent of the income account was financed by the DEICHMANN-Stiftung Foundation.
Statement of Financial Activities 2023
In the Republic of Moldova, expenditures were increased in 2023. The country took in many refugees from the neighboring country. The staff of our wortundtat partner Gloria provided initial care, and dedicated volunteers organized transportation to Germany.
In Germany, we supported the renovation of the family center “Stern im Norden” in the northern district of Dortmund. The building is now also used by a daycare center.
Expenditures in Tanzania remained largely unchanged. Among other things, we supported the structural and personnel development of the Agricultural School there. 40 young people began training, and upon completion, they will establish and manage their own farms.
Our long-standing commitment in India had to be discontinued. Non-profit organizations are still severely restricted in their work by regulations imposed by the Indian government.
In 2023, wortundtat invested more than 6 million euros domestically and internationally, maintaining its level of commitment compared to the previous year. Of this amount, 96 percent was allocated to projects. Around 240,000 euros were spent on administration, advertising, and public relations.
Detailed information on activities in 2023 may be found in our Impact Report.