20. May 2024

20. May 2024

Tanzanian healthcare professionals – First graduates sit exams

The rural population in southern Tanzania lacks doctors and healthcare professionals. There is an acute shortage of medically trained staff and hospitals. In 2020, we launched KIUMA College at the KIUMA site to enable young people to train as medical professionals. The first students have successfully completed their training after three years.

In the first year of the college, 69 students enrolled to complete the diploma course to become “Clinical Officers”. With their qualifications, these young people will be able to take on a wide range of tasks contributing to the healthcare of the population. Clinical officers will be deployed primarily in regions of Tanzania that suffer from an acute shortage of doctors. This is how the KIUMA college helps reduce the scarcity of healthcare professionals in the country.

Training that has a far-reaching impact – One professional helps thousands

The reach of this type of training is enormous because, during the course of his or her professional life, a trained healthcare professional can treat many thousands of people. And during their studies, students at the KIUMA college get hands-on experience by working at healthclinics across the region, helping patients and accruing extensive practical experience.

Route paved into medicine – First experience already gained while training

From the first year of graduates, 41 students have passed their exams and are awaiting their certificates from the National Council for Technical and Vocational Education. If the final course grade is promising, this can be leveraged by students to qualify for other possible courses of study, such as a Bachelor’s in Medicine.

A further 19 students from the first year are expected to graduate in 2024. Most students already work part-time at private healthcare centres or as volunteers in regional hospitals while they are studying. Nine candidates did not meet the standard required for sitting exams.

Read here about how your donation helps.

Read more news about our work in Tanzania:

  • Undertaking diagnostics and treating diseases and injuries
  • Undertaking diagnostics and treating diseases and injuries
  • Performing routine surgical procedures
  • Offering support in prenatal care and family planning
  • Ordering drugs and medical supplies for pharmacies
Anold S. Mwambete (links), Absolvent des Jahrgangs 2020, arbeitete bereits als Freiwilliger im KIUMA Community Hospital.

Arnold S. Mwambete (left), a 2020 graduate, has already worked as a volunteer at the KIUMA Community Hospital.

In Tanzania, there is a shortage of medical services for obstetrics and newborns: at the KIUMA Hospital, mothers and children receive medical care before and after birth.

Read more news about our work in Tanzania